How Does Custody Affect Decisions Regarding Child Vaccination?

With the CDC’s authorization of pediatric COVID-19 vaccines, parents now face decisions of whether to get their children vaccinated. Although strongly recommended by healthcare professionals, receipt of this vaccine is not required as with others like those for polio or measles.  The decision lies with the discretion of the parents or legal guardian. With vaccination [...]

How COVID-19 Has Changed the Practice of Family Law

Although restrictions and stay-at-home orders largely have been implemented on a state-by-state basis since the pandemic began, every state has, at some point, faced at least some restrictions. In some cases, mask mandates and social distancing were required, while others faced massive stay-at-home orders that shut down large segments of society and infrastructure, including the [...]

Tips for Co-Parenting During COVID-19

COVID-19 restrictions have been hard on everyone, particularly because of social distancing guidelines that were intended to slow or stop the spread of disease. This has prevented many people from seeing family members and friends.  For parents who have gone through a separation or divorce, the situation is especially tricky. Maintaining child custody and visitation [...]

Child Support Guidelines

When parents go through legal separation or divorce, families are forced to find new ways to function. This includes allocating parenting time, as well as determining who has to pay for what. In some cases, parents can come up with agreements on their own, but there are also instances in which the court must decide. [...]

Custody & Visitation Rights

We know going through separation or divorce can be hard. Trying to split one household into two while creating an equitable distribution of assets, it can be tough to manage the emotional strain of dissolving a relationship.  If you and your partner share children everything gets exponentially harder. When parents separate, they must consider issues [...]

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