You and your spouse have decided to separate. In South Carolina, there is no such thing as a “legal separation.” When couples separate they can petition the Family Court to issue an Order of Separate Maintenance and Support that will control how they care for their children and handle their finances during the separation. Many couples reach an agreement that can then be approved by the court, others need the court to issue a temporary order. Call us as soon as you make the decision to separate and we will guide you through the process. We will help with crafting your temporary agreement or preparing for a temporary hearing. Remember, it is important to think through every element carefully at the outset. It is critical for anyone seeking a separation to obtain support from a skilled and experienced Charleston attorney.

The Law
South Carolina does not recognize “legal separation”; a couple is either married or divorced. Married couples who separate may petition the Family Court for an “Order of Separate Maintenance and Support.” An Order of Separate Maintenance and Support may establish custody, visitation, and support arrangements and the temporary division of certain marital assets and debts until the parties’ case is finalized.